Summary: Tool for data storage configuration Name: blivet-gui Version: 0.2.0 Release: 6%{?dist} Source0:{version}-6/%{name}-%{version}-6.tar.gz License: GPLv2+ Group: Applications/System BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: python2-devel BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: intltool BuildRequires: gettext BuildRequires: python-setuptools Requires: python Requires: pygobject3 Requires: gettext Requires: python-blivet Requires: gtk3 Requires: gnome-icon-theme Requires: polkit-gnome Requires: yelp URL: %description Graphical (GTK) tool for manipulation and configuration of data storage (disks, LVMs, RAIDs) based on blivet library. %prep %setup -q %build make %{?_smp_mflags} %install make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/applications/blivet-gui.desktop %find_lang %{name} %files -f %{name}.lang %{_mandir}/man1/blivet-gui.1* %{python_sitelib}/* %{_datadir}/applications/blivet-gui.desktop %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.fedoraproject.pkexec.blivet-gui.policy %{_datadir}/blivet-gui %{_datadir}/help/C/blivet-gui %{_bindir}/blivet-gui %{_bindir}/blivet-gui_pkexec %changelog * Thu Jan 22 2015 Vojtech Trefny - 0.2.0-6 - GitHub release as source for spec file (vtrefny) * Thu Jan 22 2015 Vojtech Trefny - 0.2.0-5 - Fixed macro-in-changelog rpmlint warning (vtrefny) * Thu Jan 22 2015 Vojtech Trefny - 0.2.0-4 - New build 0.2.0-4 - Fedora review: updated specfile, licence added to package (vtrefny) - %%clean section removed from spec file (vtrefny) * Tue Jan 20 2015 Vojtech Trefny - 0.2.0-3 - Licence file added (GPLv2) (vtrefny) - New source location (vtrefny) * Tue Jan 20 2015 Vojtech Trefny - 0.2.0-2 - Version bumped to 0.2 (vtrefny) - EditDialog: typo (vtrefny) - Fixed generating spec file changelog (vtrefny) * Mon Jan 19 2015 Vojtech Trefny - 0.1.11-1 - New version 0.1.11 (vtrefny) - bumpver target for makefile (vtrefny) - Merge branch 'master' of (vtrefny) - Specific binary file for desktop file (vtrefny) - User help update (vtrefny) - Fix python-blivet required version (vtrefny) - Fix long device names (vtrefny) - Suppress broad-except pylint errors. (amulhern) - Change relative to absolute imports. (amulhern) - Omit or hide unused variables and computations. (amulhern) - moved to blivet-gui file (vtrefny) - Omit needless imports. (amulhern) - Move % operator outside translation. (amulhern) - Do not use wildcard import. (amulhern) - Do not use builtin name format as parameter name. (amulhern) - Fix bad indentation. (amulhern) - Initial pylint setup. (amulhern) - Support lvm inside extended partitions (vtrefny) - pylint (vtrefny) - AddDialog: Move btrfs type chooser above parents view (vtrefny) - Do not clear actions after apply in ks mode (vtrefny) - blivet-gui man page (vtrefny) - Fix embedded function and example (vtrefny) - fedora-review fixes for spec and desktop file (vtrefny) - Python binary file (vtrefny) - Check if file exists while saving ks (vtrefny) - Mountpoint support for btrfs in ks mode (vtrefny) - Don't allow editing mdmember partitions (vtrefny) - Version 0.1.10 (vtrefny) - Do not sort child devices on disks with raw device (vtrefny) - Fix unicode converting bug (vtrefny)